WordPress Meta Data & Taxonomies Filter


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WordPress Meta Data Filter & Taxonomies Filter-MDTF-the WordPress content viewing or filtering plugin-posts and their custom kinds by way of taxonomies and fields of meta records. The plugin has high pliability at all then for at last that is the only complete answer since erection content material can be searched by using meta fields AND taxonomies among codecanyon.net WordPress plugins then wordpress.org!

Editing the website content material searchable with the help of meta fields or taxonomies at the same time is the main notion concerning the plugin.


With this plugin, you can choose after filter: posts, custom publish types, WooCommerce merchandise filter, meta fields of Jigoshop merchandise, then equal-time taxonomies.

The essential idea of the plugin is that the content of your web page can be searched using meta fields or taxonomies at the same time.

If you need searchable cars, residences for sale, rentals, hotels, ships, wooshop products AND jigoshop products, Easy Digital Downloads and some other stuff about your site after completion, the plugin is because of you.

If the Real Manor Agency is your website,

If Cars Dealer is your website, the plugin is because you

If your web page searches for a hotel location, the plugin is for you.

If you have a culinary website with tons of recipes, the plugin is because of you.

If your web page is a showcase or you are a portfolio, the plugin is yours.

If you have to virtually make your posts searchable, the plugin is because you

If your website is a woocommerce store and you want to make products searchable through meta fields, manufacturing care, price equal period product attributes, the plugin is because you are

The Features of the plugin:

Install uses then with the widget “taxonomies only”)

Searching for AJAX: posts, customized submission types, woocommerce products, jigoshop products, products for EasyDigitalDownloads

Shortcodes and Widgets

Filter posts or publish custom types with meta fields

Filter posts by taxonomy yet customized post types

Search for more than one taxonomy and meta fields at equal time.

WooCommerce Ready! Work with WooCommerce: price, merchandise characteristics, but with production categories!

They’re ready for Jigoshop! EasyDigitalDownloads and


Constructor’s creation of search-filter shortcodes


Messenger Post

Meta html values-items combine self-narrative based entirely on current inquiries (dynamic recount)

Taxonomies mean self-detail values based on the current search.

Built-in data builder for meta-fields (checkbox, drop-down, multi drop-down, range-slider, calendar, textinput, label)

AJAX recounting html-items for hierarchical searching regarding the seacrh structure

Unlimited reliance on meta fields that can remain made with the help of built-in constructor of meta facts

WordPress Meta Data Filter and Taxonomies Filter - demo sites

Auto Submit Option Option

Optionally, step due to thoroughness slider. Integer and Decimal, then.

Size due to the optional drop-down of any

Searching through the right to publish, then its content (any put up type)

Specify because the display paint on the front is fielded by each meta: drop-down, checkbox, measure slider, calendar, text input, label

Specify the display anger on the front because of every taxonomy: drop-down, checkbox, multi drop-down, label

The ‘Reflection’ functionality for meta fields makes searchable meta fields in the meanwhile existing due to assignment together with your website’s already existing meta fields.

Reflections-is performance due to the synchronization of instant meta fields with meta fields that have existed since redact post can be searched using them!

Sort-panel constructor

Nice event, including punishment for your affairs.

Nice tooltip for every html-element, including announcement text regarding the inquiry form

Unlimited instances or each of them has its own personal acceptance of settings regarding MDTF widgets and MDTF shortcodes.

Optionally, empty terms or meta fields are unseen in widgets but in shortcodes.

Works such as post type, custom post type, woocommerce/jigoshop products, category then custom taxonomies, price

Dynamic recount for combinations of inquiries

Optional Reset button

Because of the filter sections, toggles

And other incantation facilities


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