WooCommerce Dropshipping is built for fast and hassle-free dropshipping. It helps you to sell more and to work less!
For dropshipping shops, WooCommerce Dropshipping is a strong store management tool. It is optimal for:
Managing a shop dropshipping.
Notifying suppliers automatically when their goods are purchased from your shop.
Importing inventory per supplier easily
Assigning individual suppliers of inventory.
Assign products to your dropshipping vendors easily
It’s as easy and intuitive to allocate a commodity to a supplier as it should be. Simply choose a saved supplier in the product editor from the drop-down menu.
Import goods from Aliexpress with just a few taps.
With the support of our Chrome extension, with just a few taps, you can conveniently import items from Aliexpress. Simply visit the product page that you want to import and click ‘Import.’
Submit suppliers automatic order alerts
WooCommerce Dropshipping auto-generates order updates and sends them via email to your suppliers. In order to ship the item, such as the order information, addresses and preferred shipping methods, these alerts include all the supplier needs to know.
Add providers for dropshipping and conveniently import inventory
Easily handle, add and upgrade supplier details for dropshipping. Display email descriptions of a retailer, stock count and more.
The inventory of suppliers can be imported from a CSV file provided by your supplier. For bulk-assigning goods to the same source, this is perfect.
Personalize your updates by email
Add branding and contact information of your store to any order notification. Include in the order updates that are sent to suppliers your logo, contact information and more.
Suppliers will log in to order data and view it.
A locked-down version of your WordPress website is now open to your dropshipping vendors. After they have signed in, they can:
For the customers who purchase their items, view order details, addresses and shipping information.
Check and mark the status of orders as “complete”
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