Quantity Regulation Total
You can monitor how the quantity area for goods works with the WooCommerce Advanced Quantity plugin.
You can change the minimum value of the quantity field, you can set the maximum value, you can change the interval in the quantity field between each step, you can set the default value for the quantity field, you can add the price and the quantity suffix, you can change the form of input, and much more.
This gives you a lot of possibilities for managing the sum of each commodity that can be purchased by a customer. Created by Morning Train proudly.
Enable Quantity Decimal
Decimal numbers should be allowed as quantity (ideal for stores selling food, textiles or other items determined by weight or length/height-piece products). Enable your clients, for example, to purchase a tenth of the product; 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,… or just let them buy half the product: 0.5, 1, 1,5, ….
Decimal Function for Quantity
Monitor the space between each step
In order to monitor how many goods the consumer has to buy at a time, you should determine an interval between each stage (ideal for shops with products packed in packages containing x products each-packed products). For example, make sure that only 5, 10, 15, … parts of the product are purchased by the client.
Function of Stage Value
Set Minimum Number
You may compel a client to purchase a minimum quantity (ideal for wholesale stores, bulk products). For example, setting the minimum value to 10 means at least 10 pieces of the product have to be bought by your customers.
Minimum Function for Quantity
Set the maximum number
You can monitor how many items a customer can purchase with each order (Ideal for limited offers). For example, setting the maximum value at 30 means that in one order, a consumer can only purchase 30 of that product.
Maximum Function for Quantity
Set a Value Norm
For the quantity fields, you may set a standard value. Setting the default value to 7, for instance, means that the quantity fields display 7, but you can still buy less or more than 7.
Standard Function on Quantity
Set a Suffix for Prices
You may specify a suffix for prices. This is a text that will be shown after the price. Setting the price suffix, for example, to ‘pr. “Kg will display the text behind the price.
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