SearchAzon helps you to incorporate the features of Amazon Search into your Website. On your website, you can opt to view Amazon search results and guide visitors to Amazon.
Are you aware of the Win-Win scenario? One in which everybody gains is a win-win situation!
How does SearchAzon fit into this? Oh, you’ll receive commissions using SearchAzon, and your clients will be satisfied! It’s a really simple idea which will produce Autopilot revenue!
Let’s assume you already have a store with a certain niche of items, such as Apple. A customer joins the Samsung S8+ website and scans!!! What’s going to happen? You’re going to lose this client!!!!!!! NO Road! SearchAzon is going into play here! If a client searches for a product that can not be found on your website, an automated search will be conducted on Amazon based on that keyword / phrase and your client can get the best results on your website from Amazon! No more Customers Missing or Dissatisfied! They get what they want and you’re going to create additional Amazon sales!
Never miss a client again!
Automatic incorporation into WooCommerce & WordPress Search when there is no search for content / goods! No hassle, no code, no Amazon Awards keys!
Start making money with no effort with Amazon’s Affiliate Programs!
SearchAzon is collaborating with Big Partner Programs from Amazon! Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States and
Geo-Targeting comes with it as well! This feature detects the location (country) of your customer automatically and only loads Amazon items from the nearest Amazon website. Ex: You have a Canadian client who is looking on your website for “Samsung.” He will be guided to when he clicks on any Amazon product. Set each Amazon Affiliate Program to the default Search Category.
You have Direct Checkout or Connect to Cart as the checkout functions! The Add to Cart comes with the cookie for 90 days of course!
Only a few clicks to customize Amazon Searched Items! A photo, title, category, price and ratings are given for each item. You can get additional places, such as whether a product is eligible for Prime, depending on the Amazon Affiliate Website. All of these are very easy to customize, starting with font families, sizes, colors, and you can also configure how many products to show per column, and how many products to display per page, and whether or not you want to display a custom page.
Also the Purchase Button is customizable.
Last but not least you’ve got search numbers, clicks, and top keyword searches! Extra, a fun statistical graphic.
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