CouponXL is the WordPress theme with the most full offers, discounts and coupons. It specializes in online sales of deals, discounts and coupons. It is also optimized and suitable for websites with affiliates. Affiliate or discount, coupon or offer websites have no difference, they will work well for coupons, discounts and offers with CouponXL wordpress theme.
It is completely sensitive, SEO-optimized, followed by the new Bootstrap-based web technologies, clean code and light speed. This kit includes CouponXL using the premium PSD design for coupons, discounts and offers priced at $13.
Start making profit with CouponXL today- WordPress Theme Coupon, Offer and Discount!
Coupons, Coupons or Both
By choosing one of the three modes, deal webiste where deals will only be used, coupon website where coupons will only be used or both included where deals & coupons will be used, you can choose the exact intent of your website.
For Affiliates, Fine
In order to keep your partners secret, hide coupon links and use hidden links to cloak your affiliates.
Fixed or Apply Fee Percentage
You may set up various payments for coupons & offers to be submitted. So payments can be different for discounts & offers, plus they can be fixed or percent dependent. Or both, or open, also. With CouponXL, anything is possible.
Funded Mega Menu
Build your own incredible custom super menus for any page that you want using links or photos (up to 4 columns). By integrating the main menu and sidebar widgets, it is very simple to set up.
Offers on Website & Shop
Enable consumers to choose whether to share the paid purchase price with the owner of the website or whether to benefit from direct discount sales.
Making a profit
Enable all customers to send deals, advertise their goods & services, earn cash through your website, smartly monitor payments and keep it organized with awesome features.
Payments Give
Make a single payment to each client or make all payments at once with fantastic payment software for administration.
The Social Register
Enable all website users with a social link to become full members. So, to register on the website, they can use Facebook, Google+ or Twitter accounts.
Authorized Ads
Advertisements are fully supported so that your advertisement codes can be copied/pasted on any page you want, including on the home page, sidebars & footer.
Total Scheme for Membership
CouponXL allows website owners to select whether or not they want to allow registration on the website, which allows CouponXL, for example, to be used only for affiliates without memberships.
Awesome Dashboard for Profile
My Profile front end dashboard is truly fantastic, completely automated, where your customers can track each offer or coupon they have submitted, bought or track vouchers. They can also change their profiles, apply modifications for some promotions or coupons. They can track very large statistics of CTR vistors to see what the best approach is and what to advertise on the website.
Deals & Coupons Submit
It will encourage your customers to enjoy submitting new deals & coupons with an intuitive and modern built submit deals & coupons page.
Geolocation & Map Shops or Sales
You can have a map on the home page from v1.5 CouponXL or use a shortcode for all map markers to store locations or offers. All you’ve got to do is add a long one. & lat, lat. To your shops.
Geolocation & Map Shops or Sales
Huge enhancements to translatable permalinks and to be used as nice permalinks. That means that sales, discounts, offers and signs can be converted into SEO-optimized links.
Custom SEO Pretty Permalinks
These additional pages allow your clients to select offers and coupons directly from beautifully crafted categories, locations and pages of stores.
Help from Child Theme
In order to keep your site always fresh and updated and to keep all changes even after updates, we provided full support for child themes.
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